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Circular Economy

Submitted by Suresh Maran on Wed, 02/01/2023 - 00:49
Project Description: 

As the world advances the raw material necessary to keep up this growth dwindles, and also there are limits on the usage of raw materials due to issues such as global warming. There is a necessity to do recycling of materials to reduce raw material usage, and using of renewable energy sources. In projects related to this topic, you discuss various ways to do this, for various raw materials, in different regions and contexts.

From ChatGPT:
Circular economy is an economic system in which resources are kept in use for as long as possible, through processes such as design, production, consumption, and waste management. The goal is to minimize waste and promote sustainable use of resources, in contrast to the traditional linear "take-make-dispose" model. This involves reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling products and materials to keep them in use for as long as possible, and reducing the need for virgin raw materials. The circular economy model aims to create economic, social, and environmental benefits while minimizing negative impacts on the environment.


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